Monday 9 November 2009

Proposed Idea

For this module The aim is to design and create an entertainment system, be it a new form of interactive controller, game or a new and improved version of an existing system. Our idea is as follows:

We intend to design and create an innovative version of the Gameboy classic “paperboy”. The game will be controlled by the user sitting on an actual bike which is on a stand so that it cannot move. The movement of the handlebars will control the movement of the game character’s direction and the pedals will control the speed and forward movement of the character. The aim of the game will be to deliver papers to the correct houses just like the original game but to do this the user will have to throw actual papers at a sensor at the correct time to score points. The game will also have obstacles, which the user will need to avoid in order to complete the game. The first step in creating this will be to get hold of a bike which we can use to create the game. In order to transport and move the game easily we are going to try and use a children’s bike, it will also be cheaper. The next stage will be to understand which sensors we will require and how they work so that we can use them properly and make sure the game is useable. All of the technical functions will be programmed in Max and the level design will be created in flash. We will use the flash server function with Max MSP to join the functionality with the game itself.

The “hook” in our game is that the player becomes immersed in to the experience by actually participating in a realistic manner. The use of physical controls, in this case the bike allows the user to experience the game in a more realistic way compared to a conventional hand held controller. Throwing a newspaper at a pressure pad will add to the addictiveness as the player has to not only throw a physical object but throw at the right time. The game itself will feature a timer in which the longer the player continues the level of difficulty will increase. i.e. more objects to avoid, bike increases in speed. We also intend to add some kind of controller feedback such as rumble packs on the bike in an attempt to make the game experience more realistic.

The target audience for this game could be just about anyone. People who have played the classic paperboy game will be interested and people who enjoy playing innovative games with a unique control system will hopefully be interested. We need to ensure that both game and control system work well together to ensure the game is playable and enjoyable.

Mike will be responsible for creating level design and coding of the game. Will, will be responsible for creating sound effects needed for the game and the physical programming of the bike within Max/MSP along with Rob

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